Psalm 150: Everything
The Psalms were not written in the order in which we have them, but they were ordered with a purpose. The first word of the first psalm was “blessed”. It’s the Hebrew word ‘eser meaning “happiness”. The book begins by pointing us to the happiness that we were created for, that God desires for us; the happiness that is found in trusting God’s character, obeying His Word and believing in His love. The Psalms then end, 149 chapters later, with a call to praise: thirteen times in this six-verse psalm we are given the command to praise God. We are led from the promise of happiness to the response of praise. In the very first verse the psalmist shows us that God’s heart is to bless us and in the very last verse he tells us to rejoice in the blessing of God’s heart. Everything in between is assurance in conflict, hope in uncertainty, light in darkness, even joy in mourning as the psalmists’ paint for us the picture of God’s abiding presence. Psalm 150 is called by some “The Great ...